A place where stories unfold

Invitation: Join our first in a series of StoepTalks on Thursday December 1st from 18h00-19h30

Dear colleagues and friends

We are excited to invite you to join our first in a series of StoepTalks on Thursday December 1st from 18h00-19h30. 

Thérèse will be talking to Linda about her books, My Word! Ideas for creating a writing culture in the classroom, and Praat jy! Idees vir die skep van ’n skryfkultuur in die klas. that have just been published by Penguin/ LAPA publishers (see attached). 

Our StoepTalks offer people the chance to listen in to conversations about a Narrative Approach to topics of special interest. These StoepTalks will illustrate some of our work and our areas of special interest developed over the past 22 years.

Please RSVP by November 27th to: admin@narrativelyspeaking.co.za

We look forward to welcoming you!

Thérèse & Linda

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