A place where stories unfold

Three weeks with five different perspectives is a blessing

It was a wonderful pleasure for me to be picked as one of the Nati Jong Sterre. I was both delighted and nervous because it was my first flight! However, I acted as if I had done it before. Meanwhile, the butterflies in my tummy were raging! But it turned out to be extremely relaxed. 

I’m glad I got to know my mentor and fellow Jong Sterre. They’ve taught me a lot. Their human principles, in addition to their artistic ability, rubbed off on me. I learned a lot about myself as a person. Being in a house for three weeks with five different perspectives is a blessing. It alters your perspective. You attempt to comprehend the viewpoint of another. On top of that, the chef Gilbert made it feel like heaven on earth. When I think back on my time there, I can still taste that cuisine. The peace and fresh Karoo air were sublime and therapeutic. It forced me to conduct a lot of introspection. 

Most importantly, Jakes Gerwel’s Paulet House possessed all the resources required to shape me into a skilled writer. It’s the biggest contribution on my path to becoming an icon in this industry. It wasn’t easy. There were obstacles, but I overcame them. Because of Jakes Gerwel’s Paulet House, I am not only a better artist, but also a better human being. 

Jakes Gerwel Stigting/NATi Jong Sterre 2022 deelnemer Curtley Pitt se toneelstuk Mooiplaas word ondersteun deur NATi, die Jakes Gerwel Stigting en Artscape.

Mooiplaas – NATi Arena, Artscape – 29 April 2023 / 16h00


Says Artscape’s Rafiek Mammon: “Opportunities like the Jakes Gerwel/ Suidoosterfees/ NATi Jong Sterre project do not come along every day. This project is real, 100% investment into an aspirant playwright’s future. Your hand is held throughout the process – from page to stage, and beyond. Many of our past participants are well on their way to being respected by their peers as well as seasoned theatre makers in the industry.”


Met Geon Nel, René Cloete, Curtley Pitt en Liandé Valentyn

Teks: Curtley Pitt

Regie: Wessel Pretorius

Taal: Afr

Venue: NATi Arena

Datum en tyd: 29 April 16:00

Tydsduur: 55 min

Prys: R100

Geen o/16 T


Gerhardus Foster is baas op die plaas wat deur sy voorsate van die Khoisan gesteel is. Hy behandel sy werkers soos gemors – ook vir Marvin Kleinhans, ’n afstammeling van die oorspronklike besitters. Dis ’n kwessie van tyd voordat die spanning oor eienaarskap breekpunt bereik. Wie gaan uiteindelik oor die bloedgrond van Mooiplaas heers?

Gerhardus Foster is boss on the farm his forefathers had stolen from the Khoisan. He treats his farm workers like dirt, including Marvin Kleinhans, a descendant of the original landowners. It is a matter of time before the tension about ownership reaches boiling point. Who will eventually rule over the bloodied soil that is Mooiplaas?

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Curtley Pitt het opleiding as akteur by CityVarsity in Kaapstad ontvang. Hy het in verskeie teaterproduksies gespeel, en TV-rolle vertolk in reekse soos Arendsvlei en Discovery se misdaadreeks, Investigation. Hy werk as stemkunstenaar vir oorklankingsproduksies en tree gereeld as seremoniemeester by korporatiewe geleenthede op. Curtley is ook opgelei in fisieke teater en choreografie, en hy is ’n ontluikende dramaturg wat in Afrikaans skryf.

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