A place where stories unfold

Jeremeo Le Cordeur: Dude! Wa’s My Bakkie?

An Explorative Journey of Identity and Culture

The original award-winning Vulture Productions show Dude! Wa’s My Bakkie? makes a U-turn to the stage as it comes to Makhanda for the first time ever from 22 June to 2 July for the 2023 National Arts Festival (NAF). This follows the show’s hiatus while it’s sequel Dude! Wa’s My Phone? took centre stage for the last five months at various festivals. Unlike the latter, which focusses on a technological detour in the life of Dean September, Dude Wa’s My Bakkie takes the audience on an exploration of issues of identity and culture.

Written and performed by Jeremeo Le Cordeur and directed by Dean van der Ventel, this Afrikaans* comedy-drama is based loosely on real-life events. It tells the story of Dean’s trips down memory lane when his 21st birthday gift, a Nissan 1400 bakkie, is stolen. It is a coming-of-age story filled with adventures, love, loss, road rage and the first tastes of independence. It features a soundtrack of 90s music and a series of authentic, fresh Cape characters — played by talented voice over artists, Veronique Jephtas, Dean van der Ventel, Lee Roodt, Chenal Kock, Clayton Evertson, and a special appearance by #OumaLilly.

Le Cordeur was invited to show Dude! Wa’s My Bakkie? at the NAF this year after receiving a prestigious Silver Standard Bank Standing Ovation Award in 2020 for his online ensemble Ouma Lily & Haar Klong.

Gaerin Hauptfleisch has designed the set, which features a bakkie — complete with working headlights and other surprises — to transport audiences on this journey. Kaylin Leigh Khan is responsible for the stage management.

“The fact that this energetic one-man show is based on true events as well as real memories, makes this production even more authentic. Jeremeo penned the painful and dramatic event of having his bakkie stolen and incorporated real-life memories of his childhood, teenage years, and adulthood to create this piece. This production uses visual- and sound effects as the second actor,” says van der Ventel.

Dude! Wa’s My Bakkie? carries an age restriction of PG13 and will be showing in the St Andrew’s Hall at the National Arts Festival on 24 June at 12:00 and 18:00, and 25 June at 12:00. Duration: 60 min

For more information please visit: tinyurl.com/vultureproductions or contact us on 067 037 6401 or productionsvulture@gmail.com.

*This show is in Afrikaans with no subtitles.

Photos: Patrick William Adams

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Jeremeo le Cordeur, gebore en getoë in Wellington in die Wes-Kaap, het ’n kreatiewe siel. Sedert hy aan City Varsity se Skool vir Media en Skeppende Kuns gegradueer het, werk Le Cordeur as kunsfotograaf en neem hy verskillende rolle in die teaterwêreld op. Le Cordeur is die entrepreneur agter Vulture Productions, ’n produksie- en ontwerpplatform vir kreatiewe en oorspronklike Suid-Afrikaanse teaterstukke. As vervaardiger en regisseur het Le Cordeur reeds vele suksesvolle teaterproduksies gelewer. In 2014 behartig hy die regie van Tannie Dora goes bos, Warren Meyer se skreeusnaakse spannings- en moorddrama wat tydens die Kunstekaap se agste Kunstefees vir Vrouemenslikheid opgevoer is. In 2019 is hy die regisseur van Mama, die karakterstuk waaraan hy met Chenal Kock meegewerk het. In dieselfde jaar sien sy twee eenmanstukke Jerry, an unconventional hero en Dude, wa’s my bakkie? die lig. In 2019 ontvang hy die NATi Jong Sterre-toekenning by die Suidoosterfees.

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